Edited Book Guidelines

Publish Your Book Chapter with Us!

About Our Edited Books:

  • What Are They?

Collections themed around a central topic with chapters by different experts.

  • Unified Theme, Diverse Insights:

Each chapter aligns with the main theme but offers a unique viewpoint.

  • Become a Contributor or Editor-in-Charge:

Share your expertise in a chapter or curate an entire Edited Book.

Why Choose Us?

  1. University-Backed: Join an esteemed academic community.
  2. Guided Process: Get support from submission to publication.
  3. Incentives Offered: Benefit from attractive incentives for your contributions.


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Contribute to our Edited Books and amplify your academic voice.


Guidelines for Edited Book Publication

To maintain quality and uniformity in our edited book collections, contributors and editors-in-charge are advised to follow the consolidated guidelines below:

  1. Content & Structure:
    • The book should comprise a minimum of 100 pages with at least 6 chapters. The first chapter, serving as the introduction, should be penned by the editor-in-charge(s) and provide an overview of the book’s content.
  2. Author & Editor Specifications:
    • Each chapter can be co-authored by up to 4 individuals, with at least one author affiliated with should be an academic staff from UTM.
    • A maximum of 2 editor-in-charges are allowed per book. One of them must be an academic staff from UTM. Editor-in-charges may also contribute content, but their chapters should not exceed 30% of the book including chapter one (e.g., up to 2 chapters in a 6-chapter book).
  3. Title & Chapter Length:
    • The book title should be concise, capped at 7 words.
    • All chapters should have a balanced and proportionate page count to maintain content uniformity.
  4. Originality & Integrity:

Content submitted must ensure authenticity, reflected by a Turnitin similarity index below 20%.(Class ID: 40750473, Enrolment key: bc2023).

Here at UTM Press, we value and celebrate every participant’s unique contributions. To make your publication journey as seamless as possible, we kindly suggest referring to our comprehensive guidelines. Your proactive engagement truly elevates the quality of our collective work. Thank you for being an essential part of this endeavour!.

 Duties of the Editor-in-Charge

As Editor-in-Charge, the individual assumes a central role in the publishing process. Their core duties encompass:

  1. Theme Selection:
    • Identifying and defining the precise theme or topic that the book aims to cover.
  2. Preliminary Chapter Development:
    • Designing an initial chapter that brings forth the primary expert insights and emphasizes the importance of the book in augmenting the broader field’s knowledge.
  3. Manuscript Refinement:
    • Leading the detailed tasks of editing, proofreading, and typesetting to match the standards of Penerbit UTM Press, aiming to finalize a camera-ready copy (CRC) of the work.
  4. Upholding Authenticity:
    • Making certain that every part of the manuscript undergoes a thorough plagiarism review to maintain its integrity and originality.
  5. Central Coordination:
  • Serving as the principal point of communication, the Editor-in-Charge ensures streamlined interactions and cooperation between:
  • Penerbit UTM Press and panel of book chapters.
  • Chapter contributors.
  • Reviewers.

The Editor-in-Charge’s dedication and proficiency are vital in guiding the work to academic prominence and publication readiness. 

Editor-in-Charge’s Duties Towards Penerbit UTM Press and Panel 

For an effective and smooth publishing process, the Editor-in-Charge is entrusted with the following key responsibilities towards Penerbit UTM Press and Faculty’s Panel:

  1. Proposal Submission:
    • The Editor-in-Charge should submit a meticulously prepared proposal to Penerbit UTM Press and Faculty’s panel, encompassing:
      • Working Title: A preliminary title for the intended book.
      • Summary: A concise overview reflecting the core content of the book.
      • Scope: Main objectives or themes the book aims to cover.
      • Evaluators: A list of proposed evaluators along with their short CVs. It is essential to ensure that these evaluators are not affiliated with UTM.
      • Chapter Abstracts: A brief outline of each planned chapter.
      • Editor-in-Charge’s CV: A short curriculum vitae of the book editor(s) to serve as a reference.
  1. Final Manuscript Submission:
    • Once the manuscript is refined and ready, the Editor-in-Charge is obligated to submit the camera-ready copy (CRC) to Penerbit UTM Press. This submission should strictly adhere to the UTM Press template for consistency and quality.

Responsibilities of Editor-in-Charge Towards Panel of Evaluators

The Editor-in-Charge plays a pivotal role in liaising with the panel of evaluators to ensure the quality and credibility of the publication. Their key responsibilities in this regard include:

  1. Identification of Reviewers:
    • The Editor-in-Charge is to select reviewers based on their specialized knowledge in the subject matter. Each evaluator should either be recognized for their expertise in the topic or hold a Ph.D. in the pertinent field.
  2. Manuscript Submission for Review:
    • It is the duty of the Editor-in-Charge to provide the evaluator(s) with a comprehensive manuscript, ensuring they have all the necessary material to conduct a thorough evaluation.
  3. Overseeing the Review Process:
    • The Editor-in-Charge is tasked with monitoring the reviewing process, making certain it adheres to the predetermined timeline and ensuring its timely completion.

Responsibilities of Editor-in-Charge Towards Contributing Authors

For a harmonious and effective collaboration, the Editor-in-Charge has several key responsibilities when dealing with contributing authors:

  1. Receiving Proposals:
    • The Editor-in-Charge should be open to accept and review proposals or abstracts submitted by potential chapter authors.
  2. Preliminary Chapter Assessment:
    • Upon receipt, a prompt initial evaluation of the submitted chapters should be undertaken to determine their suitability for inclusion in the book.
  3. Quality Assurance:
    • The Editor-in-Charge has the authority to reject chapters that do not meet the desired quality and relevance standards.
  4. Monitoring Submission Deadlines:
    • It is crucial to ensure that contributing authors submit their full manuscripts in a timely manner, adhering to set deadlines.
  5. Feedback and Revision:
    • Once chapters have been evaluated, they should be returned to the authors highlighting areas that need corrections or improvements.
  6. Oversight of Revisions:
    • The Editor-in-Charge must ensure that any required corrections or revisions are completed by the contributing authors within the stipulated timeframe.

By diligently upholding these responsibilities, the Editor-in-Charge ensures an efficient workflow and maintains the integrity and quality of the publication.


Edited Book Resources

Manuscript Submission Checklist and Editor Verification

Garis Panduan Penerbitan Edited Book

Borang Permohonan Edited Books

Permission Verification

Curriculum Vitae (Editors)

Curriculum Vitae (Reviewer)

Abstract Template

Review Form 

Edited Books Templates

Preface| Prakata

List of Contributors | Senarai Penyumbang

Content | Kandungan

Chapter | Bab

Index | Indeks

Click Here For Resources


Edited Book Publication System (ePress) is online system developed to coordinate and facilitate edited book application process. ePress allows users to submit documents and manuscripts online as well as monitor the process of their book.

Please Click Here

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