A Commentary on the Rules for Kings (Majlis Aceh)


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This book analyses the contents of the manuscript consisting of the rules for kings, the genealogy of the kings of Aceh, Dar al–Salam; and the customs and regulations for kings. Thirty–one Majlis on the rules for kings were noted in the manuscript but only twelve Majlis were explained. The genealogy of the kings of Aceh describes thirty–seven kings for the period of six centuries starting from the first king, Sultan Johan Shah (601 A.H./1204 A.D.) and the last king, Sultan Sharif Saif al–cAlam Shah (1231 A.H./1815 A.D.).Whilst, the customs and regulations for kings are related to ritual practices of religion, court ceremonies, royal processions, and royal bath. The commentary also presents the analysis of the Islamic and cadat elements in the manuscript. Some of the sections applied Islamic concepts clearly, others have a mixture of both Islamic and cadat elements, and purely cadat. A Commentary on the Rules for Kings (Majlis Aceh) provides information and knowledge about Islamic civilization in the Malay archipelago which are significant and beneficial to researchers and academicians in the fields of history, education, sociology, politics, and comparative law of Islam and cadat.

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