In this book the authors explain the differences between artificial human hierarchies and natural herd structures of horses. The practical outcome of dealing with horses respecting this herd structure is a mutual respect and trust relationship between human and horses.
Unlike humans horses do not have an Ego. That makes them specialists in mirroring human behaviour. The interactions take place in an environment of equality and freedom. This enables humans to develop their traits and personality. Fostering traits and personal development is needed worldwide to overcome the ruling of the Ego that led us to a narrow mindedness with greed, recklessness and mutual exploitation.
In the field of entrepreneurship, leadership, problem solving, critical thinking, and self-responsibility horses can teach us to become strong, brave, straight, honest and reliable. They can foster our ability to take risks and to be creative. They can teach us to accept circumstances that cannot be changed.
Personal development is a major issue nowadays in all countries and societies. Many approaches follow theoretical input through education but lack practical experience. Horses indeed provide real life experiences, influencing people emotionally and spiritually likewise. The practical experience makes the difference and enables people to really change sustainably. These experiences are resistant to further manipulation by the human Ego. They become part of humans. They are saved within every cell of their being.
Horse work on the ground and in the saddle is the most efficient and sustainable way to simultaneously develop awareness, perception, leadership skills and mindset.