This book contains several chapters like list of contributors, preface and acknowledgement, introduction, 0 Al Attas: a real reformer and thinker by Wan Mohd. Nor Wan Daud, 2 Re islamising the world by Ali Alawi, 3 Al balagh, Amar Jah, 4 Shifts of language and turns in worldview:, Naquib Al Attas perspective, Ahmad Kazemi Moussavi, 5 Reflections on Al Attas conception of the islamic university: implications for academic freedom, institutional, autonomy and philosophy of education in South Africa, Yusef Waghid, 6 The negotiation of modernity through tradition in contemporary Muslim intellectual discourse: the neo ghazalian, attasian perspective, M. Afifi Al Akiti and H. A. Hellyer, 7 Illuminative knowledge in Mawlana Rumi, Bilal Kuspinar, 8 Kant and Ghazali on human nature: a comparative philosophy of man, Alparslan Acikgenc, 9 Dialogue of civilizations through the corridors of faith and mind: some thoughts concerning the philosophy of Syed, Muhammad Naquib AlAttas and its contribution for, proper understanding of conditio humana, Ferid Muhic, 10 prolegomena to west and east: Kant and Ibn Khaldun, ernest wolf gazo, 11 challenges for education in the age of globalization marietta stepanyants, 12 evolution: the epitome of the emerging contemporaneous global civilization, saban teoman durah, 13 science in adab literature, Paul Lettinck, 14 science connecting scholars and cultures in Khwarazm: the case of Khwarazmshah Mamun Ibn Mamun, Hans Daiber, 15 some remarks on the wakf institution in the ottoman empire, Mehmet Ipsirli, 16 islamic captilalism and the west, Murat Cizakca, 17 AlAttas concept of happiness: a reflection on the contemporary meaning of development, Amer AlRoubaie, 18 ThaiIranian relations in history: a glance at the persian community in the Ayutthaya Kingdom, M. Ismail Marcinkowski, 19 the name and the named: on the extent of Hamzah fansuris renown in the Malay Indonesian world (notes and materials), Vladimir Braginsky, 20 sufism and architectural art in the Malay world, Md. Salleh Yaapar, 21 concerning one name mentioned in the tuhfat alnafis: two interesting revelations, Tatiana Denisova, 22 the correct date of the Terengganu inscription: reconfirmed using astronomical computer programs, Muhammad Zainiy Uthman and Azlan Hashim, 23 bibliography, 24 index.