Methodology In Behavioural Research


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People have always been intrigued by the world and the mysteries behind it. The rules and laws that God set human to follow are part and parcel of these mysteries. Similar to Einstein who attempted to pen God’s thinking on matter, ordinary people also wish to do the same, but on more ordinary rules and regulations that are very near to them, i.e., their own thinking and behaviour. The term concept is created to describe and sketch the idea of behaviours. This book discusses the understanding of concepts in behavioural research and how these concepts are described and measured, so that people can objectively describe and use them. The uses of these concepts include for diagnosing, predicting and planning purposes to improve their lives. So that they can indirectly lead and control the future, if that is possible. Arguments on knowledge begin where the objectivist believes that concepts for the majority are common but the subjectivist argues that concepts belong to the individuals based on their experiences. This book follows the traditional point of view which stipulates that concepts can be defined but that definition is not absolute. This means it has to be perfected by getting feedback from several sources, such as the normal views, the experts and the target groups understanding of meanings and characterisation.

This book is mainly on how to produce a Ph.D. work and report that fulfils that criterion. In addition to having the right attitude, motive and motivation, the experience of having to produce a product that gains approval from peers, who agree on the standard, plays a crucial part. The parameters and advices in this book may not promise anybody in obtaining his or her academic degree, but are rather used as strategic pathways to smart work and smart play to a successful endeavour. The central point of argument proposed here is that the Ph.D. studies should work and produce new knowledge or knowledge in new perspectives, which naturally originates from valid and justified issues of gaps in that knowledge area. In order to do that, the person should be competent in research methodology, since that is the best, if not the only way of impacting or coming up with something new. The work should be his or hers because he or she is the owner. Naturally, he or she should be able to work independently, however, with supervision so that there is clear direction and that he or she is not lost along the way, which may happen with lack of advice and understanding. This book proposes a way of completing the research work that is via the concept analysis method.

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