The First Course of Calculus for Science and Engineering Students


SKU: 2013 Category: Tag:


This book consists of eight chapters namely Limits and Continuity, Differentiation, Applications of Differentiation, Integration, Applications of Integration, Further Differentiation and Integration, Improper Integrals and Ordinary Differential Equations. Every chapter consists of introduction, subtopics, quizzes, and exercise, to enhance self learning. All concepts and skills presented for each subtopic were accompanied by detailed explanation, followed by examples and complete solutions. Suitable examples were given and arranged in ascending degree of difficulties so that the basic concepts could be understood clearly. More than 320 solved problems were given to assist the students and provide a better understanding of each topic. Hence, we also provide two different forms of questions which are quizzes and exercise for better self tutoring. Lastly, we also attached the differentiation and integration tables, trigonometric identities and answers to every exercises at the end of this book.

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